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Thursday, October 3
Thu, Oct 3, 3:48 PM - 5:00 PM
Evergreen I
Speed Session 2

Developing Data Strategy: Leading Your Organization in Maximizing Its Use of Data and Statistics (306531)

*Rashida Dorsey, EEOC 

Keywords: data strategy, leadership

Data strategy ensures your organization is maximizing its data assets, by establishing priorities, creating action steps, and identifying resources to address its current and future data needs-- including emerging data demands, evolving data sources, advances in technology, increasing efficiency and responding to policies and laws. Data strategy also assures your organization is utilizing its data in a manner that is responsive to policy, research, business and programmatic needs, grounded in principals such as innovation, privacy, confidentiality, and security, efficiency and quality. Leading your organization in statistics and data sciences involves effectively developing and implementing data strategy. Using the Federal Data Strategy as a model, this presentation will provide an overview the importance of data strategy and approaches to create them. In addition, this presentation will provide strategies on collaboration, coordination and engaging senior management when developing data strategy. As the scope of data continues to expand (i.e. big data, expanding use of administrative data, Artificial Intelligence), having sound data strategy in place becomes even more critical.