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Thursday, October 18
Thu, Oct 18, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Caprice 3-4
Speed Session 1

Seek and Ye Shall Find: A Different Analysis on High-School Students and STEM (304869)

Julieth Paola Diaz, Florida State University 
*Julieth Paola Diaz, Florida State University 

Keywords: in-depth analyses,gender,STEM careers,math

Studying 23,450 ninth-graders (U.S. High School Longitudinal Study 2009-2013), we address ethnic and gender effects on relationships among behavioral engagement, math self-efficacy, math achievement and career choices. Most prior research uses two—at most three—way ANOVA, finding few sex differences in paths to a STEM career choice. We used loglinear and multinomial regression models, finding up to fifth order interactions and more complexity involving gender. Students with low engagement and low math self-efficacy more often had very low math GPAs; those with moderate engagement and moderate self-efficacy less often held low GPAs. Students more often chose STEM careers when both engagement and self-efficacy were moderate. When behavioral engagement or math self-efficacy was low, they more often chose other white-collar or especially blue-collar careers. Significant variations in variable relationships occurred by ethnicity and gender. Gender, self-efficacy, and the interaction of engagement and self-efficacy all predicted student certainty about future career choices but complex variable relationships more often held for girls, indicating one must analyze in considerable depth.