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Thursday, October 19
Thu, Oct 19, 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Aventine Ballroom D
Data Science and Women’s Colleges (PANEL)

Data Science at Women’s Colleges (303897)

*Maia Averett, Mills College 
*Andrea Foulkes, Mount Holyoke College 
*Brandeis Marshall, Spelman College 
*Amelia McNamara, Smith College 
*Sydne Record, Bryn Mawr College 

Keywords: women's colleges, data science, education, curriculum, panel discussion

As a new field, data science has a window of opportunity to avoid some of the cultural ossifications that are associated with historically lower participation rates for women in most STEM fields. More hopefully, the ASA reports that 53% of statisticians are women. What role do women’s colleges play in ensuring that data science is an inclusive field that values and models gender equity? How are curricula at women’s colleges responding to shifting student demand for data science? Our panel will explore these questions and others.