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Thursday, June 9
Data Visualization
Assessing and Evaluating Data with Visualizations
Thu, Jun 9, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Designing COVIDcast 2.0, Implementing Emergent Data Visualization Designs from the COVID-19 Pandemic (310112)

Raphael Hyde?, Google, Inc. 
Alex Reinhart, Carnegie Mellon University 
*Chris Scott, Google, Inc. 

Keywords: COVIDcast, COVID-19, Data visualization

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced volumes of data to the general public at unprecedented rates. Driven by a desire to make data-driven decisions a class of the general public, so-called "sophisticated data consumers", introduced a demand for more sophisticated methods of communicating these data. This, in turn, lead of a number of emergent design patterns as media outlets and independent organizations learned more effective methods to satisfy this demand.

This talk presents the methodology used in developing the second major release of the COVIDcast dashboard. This methodology reflects some of these emergent patterns exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they were implemented in the COVIDcast dashboard, and how they can be formulated as general purpose data visualization design patterns.