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Wednesday, June 8
Designing Data Science Curricula
Wed, Jun 8, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Evaluation of EDISON's Data Science Framework via Literature Analysis (310097)

Linda Clark, Brown University 
Katherine M Kinnaird, Smith College 
Bjorn Sandstede, Brown University 
*Karl RB Schmitt, Trinity Christian College 
Ruth E.H. Wertz, Valparaiso University 

Keywords: data science, curriculum design, course design, body of knowledge

As the study of Data Science has grown into a distinct discipline a precise definition and scope for the field has continued to evolve. Several efforts to define curricula and courses emerged from disciplines such as computer science \cite{cassel_strengthening_2015}, statistics \cite{hardin_data_2015}, and mathematics \cite{veaux_curriculum_2017}. The most complete and detailed document that first emerged was the EDISON Project's Data Science Framework (EDISON-DSF) sponsored by the European Union. The EDISON-DSF includes both a Data Science Body of Knowledge (DS-BoK) and Competency Framework (CF-DS). This talk will present key results from a recently published critical review of how the EDISON CF-DS compares to contemporary and subsequent curriculum and course peer-review literature. Areas of strong agreement and disagreement were identified which provide insight into what topics the broader community sees as belonging in (or not in) Data Science.