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Thursday, June 3
Practice and Applications
Classification and Simulation: Methods, Analyses, and Applications
Thu, Jun 3, 10:00 AM - 11:35 AM

Using Data Visualization to Tell the Complex Story of Language Use Trends in United States (309837)

*Heather Hisako Kitada Smalley, Willamette University 

Keywords: Data Visualization; Survey Data; R Shiny

In this presentation we explore language use trends in the United States by modeling household language, English proficiency, and survey mode of administration in the American Community Survey (2006-2017) and present a longitudinal perspective on the effects of household language on data quality. In order to tell this nuanced story, we employ techniques to manipulate and visualize freely available and reproducible data and analysis through (formerly the American FactFind) and R interfaces. This work is supported through the sociolinguistic framework to understand the role of language in survey research, focusing on the need for non-English language survey assistance to reach increasingly diverse populations. This lightning-presentation is an abridged version of our webinar hosted by the American Association for Public Opinion Research in fall 2020.