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Friday, June 4
Data Science Education and Applications
Fri, Jun 4, 1:20 PM - 2:55 PM

Analysis of 2020 Global Stock Market Crash (309679)

*Min Shu, University of Wisconsin-Stout 
Ruiqiang Song, Michigan Tech 
Wei Zhu, Stony Brook University 

Keywords: 2020 stock market crash, Endogenous, Exogenous, Log-periodic power law singularity, LPPLS, Confidence indicator, Bubble indicator, Financial bubble, Market crash.

We apply the Log-periodic power law singularity (LPPLS) methodology to analyze the performances of the 10 major global stock market indexes from both developed and emergent stock markets in the 2020 global stock market. The results show that the crashes for the 7 indexes: SP500, DJIA, NASDAQ, DAX, CSI300, BSESN, and BOVESPA, are endogenous due to the increasingly systemic instability of the financial markets, while the crashes in the three indexes: FTSE, NIKKEI, and HSI, are exogenous caused by external shocks.