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Thursday, June 4
Software & Data Science Technologies
Cloud Computing: The Future for Data Science Applications
Thu, Jun 4, 1:20 PM - 2:55 PM

Machine Learning and Cloud Computing for Statisticians (308099)

*Robert Winston Blanchard, SAS 

Keywords: Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, SAS

Abstract: Deep learning is an area of machine learning that has become ubiquitous with computer vision. The complex, brain-like structure of deep learning models is used to find intricate patterns in large volumes of data. These models have heavily improved the performance of general supervised models, time series, speech recognition, object detection and classification, and sentiment analysis. However, the deep learning models can be very expensive to train, and even harder to deploy for real-time data analysis. Cloud computing has helped to alleviate the computational constraint that slows innovation in deep learning.

In this session, participants will learn what really defines a deep learning model, how to build and train a model, and how to deploy the model. The advantages of a cloud computing infrastructure will be highlighted and the benefits observed. Demonstrations will use SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) to take advantage of the in-memory distributed environment for multithreaded parallel processing.