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Friday, June 5
Data Visualization
Interactive Graphics
Fri, Jun 5, 1:25 PM - 3:00 PM

Reproducible Shiny Apps with Shinymeta (307991)

Carson Sievert, RStudio 
*Carson Sievert, RStudio 

Keywords: R, shiny, interactivity, reproducibility

Shiny makes it easy to take domain logic from an existing R script and wrap some reactive logic around it to produce an interactive webpage where others can quickly explore different variables, parameter values, models/algorithms, etc. Although the interactivity is great for many reasons, once an interesting result is found, it's more difficult to prove the correctness of the result since: (1) the result can only be (easily) reproduced via the Shiny app and (2) the relevant domain logic which produced the result is obscured by Shiny's reactive logic. The R package shinymeta provides tools for capturing and exporting domain logic for execution outside of a Shiny runtime (so that others can reproduce Shiny-based result(s) from a new R session).