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Thursday, May 30
Data Visualization
Visual Storytelling
Thu, May 30, 10:30 AM - 12:05 PM
Regency Ballroom EF

The Design and Evaluation of Expressive Visualization Tools for Data-Driven Storytelling (305049)

*Matthew Brehmer, Microsoft Research 
Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research 

Keywords: visualization, data-driven storytelling, visual storytelling, expressiveness, information design

Practitioners are increasingly using visualization to tell compelling stories supported by data. Acknowledging this use of visualization as a storytelling medium, those of us in the visualization research community have set to identify and refine design principles and to develop innovative techniques and tools. In this talk, we will present our recent research on data-driven storytelling, which focuses on empowering people to easily produce stories leveraging expressive visualization without the need for programming. We will also briefly discuss the challenges of evaluating novel tools for data-driven storytelling, as well as future research directions in this exciting field.