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Thursday, May 17
Symposium on Data Science & Statistics Banquet
Thu, May 17, 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM
Grand Ballroom D

I Never Met a Datum I Didn’t Like (304660)

*Barry D. Nussbaum, 2017 President, American Statistical Association 

Keywords: Big data, analytics, statistician’s role, pitfalls

Data are quite important. And with big data, there are more and more data elements to contend with. The 3 V’s of big data: velocity, volume, and variety attest to this. But are all data created equal. NO. So the statistician has an ongoing and increasingly important role to assure relevant, representative data are being analyzed. This talk will discuss where data analytics meets statistics and some of the great potential and, yes, the pitfalls, of our deriving useful information from all that data.