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Thursday, May 17
Data Science
Best Practices in Data Science Education
Thu, May 17, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Grand Ballroom G

Data-Driven Curriculum Development (304335)

*David Robinson, DataCamp 
Nick Carchedi, DataCamp 

Keywords: data science, data, datacamp, curriculum, teaching, education, training

Data science is a relatively new and fast-changing field that borrows from many disciplines, which makes it hard to define and even harder to teach. Having now trained over a million (aspiring) data scientists, we at DataCamp feel a tremendous obligation to help define data science as accurately as possible and to equip our students with the tools and skills needed to operate effectively in the field. For this reason, we do as any good data scientist would do and use data to determine what our students need to know. By combining internal data sources—student surveys, course engagement data, website search trends, etc.—with external data sources—job posts, Stack Overflow trends, package downloads, etc.—we’re able to develop a curriculum that not only reflects what our students want to learn, but what employers need from them now and in the future.