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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

Tue, 8/9/2022, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM M-Archives
COPSS Business Meeting — Other ICW
Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies
Organizer(s): Amita Manatunga, Emory Univeristy

Tue, 8/9/2022, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-207A
COPSS Elizabeth L. Scott Lecture — Invited Papers
Elizabeth L. Scott Award, Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies
Organizer(s): Amita Manatunga, Emory Univeristy
Chair(s): Maya Sternberg, CDC
2:05 PM Biostatistical Methods and Team Science: Generating Evidence for Optimization of Clinical Practice
Madhu Mazumdar, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Discussant: Anne Mosenthal, Lahey Health
Discussant: Karla Ballman, Cornell University
Discussant: Nandita Mitra, University of Pennsylvania
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/10/2022, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-Ballroom BC
COPSS Awards and Distinguished Achievement Award and Lecture — Invited Papers
Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies
Chair(s): Amita Manatunga, Emory Unversity
4:05 PM Likelihood and Its Discontents Presentation
Nancy Margaret Reid, University of Toronto
5:45 PM Floor Discussion

Wed, 8/10/2022, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM M-LeDroit Park
COPSS Awards Reception — Other ICW
Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies
Organizer(s): Amita Manatunga, Emory Univeristy