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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

312 * ! Tue, 8/9/2022, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-203AB
What We Know About What We Don’t Know: Overcoming Incomplete Data in Practice — Invited Papers
ENAR, Caucus for Women in Statistics, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Organizer(s): Sarah C. Lotspeich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chair(s): Marissa C. Ashner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2:05 PM Missing Data in the Baseline Health Surveys of the All of Us Research Program and the Opportunity from Multiple Information Sources
Qingxia Chen, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Robert M Cronin, The Ohio State University; Xiaoke Feng, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Lina Sulieman, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Brandy Mapes, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Shawn Garbett, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Ashley Able, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Rebecca Johnston, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Mick P. Couper, University of Michigan; Brian K Ahmedani, Henry Ford Health System
2:25 PM Evaluation of Propensity Score-Calibration and Multiple Imputation for Missing Confounder Data in EHR-Based Comparative Effectiveness Research
Rebecca Hubbard, University of Pennsylvania; Daniel Vader, University of Pennsylvania; Ronac Mamtani, University of Pennsylvania
2:45 PM New Frontiers for Conditional Mean Imputation: Overcoming Censored Predictors to Model the Progression of Huntington's Disease
Sarah C. Lotspeich, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Kyle F. Grosser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Tanya P. Garcia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3:05 PM Accounting for Misclassification Between Competing Events in Causal Cumulative Incidence Functions
Jessie K Edwards, UNC Chapel Hill
3:25 PM Discussant: Tanya P. Garcia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
3:45 PM Floor Discussion
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