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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

193 * Mon, 8/8/2022, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-204B
Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics: Student Paper Competition — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics
Organizer(s): Tracy Bergemann, Medtronic Plc
Chair(s): Tracy Bergemann, Medtronic Plc
2:05 PM Batch Bayesian Optimization Design for Optimizing a Neurostimulator
Adam Kaplan , Center for Care Delivery and Outcomes Research ; Thomas Murray , University of Minnesota
2:25 PM Deep Spectral Q-Learning in Infinite Horizon with Applications in Mobile Health
Yuhe Gao, North Carolina State University; Chengchun Shi, London School of Economics and Political Science; Rui Song, North Carolina State University
2:45 PM Modeling and Estimating a Threshold Effect: An Application to Improving Cardiac Surgery Practices
Guangyu Yang, University of Michigan; Baqun Zhang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Jonathan Haft, University of Michigan; Robert Hawkins, University of Michigan; David Sturmer, University of Michigan; Donald Likosky, University of Michigan; Min Zhang, University of Michigan
3:05 PM A Single Index Model for Longitudinal Outcomes to Optimize Individual Treatment Decision Rules
Lanqiu Yao, New York University School of Medicine; Thaddeus Tarpey, New York University
3:25 PM Estimating the Lifetime Risk of a False Positive Screening Test Result
Tim White, University of Minnesota; Sara Algeri, University of Minnesota
3:45 PM Floor Discussion
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