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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
365 * !
Wed, 8/10/2022,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Causal Integration of Randomized Clinical Trials and Real-World Data: Challenges and Opportunities — Invited Papers
WNAR, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Biopharmaceutical Section
Organizer(s): Ting Ye, University of Washington
Chair(s): Yanyao Yi, Eli Lilly and Company
8:35 AM
Real-World Evidence: What’s in a Name?
John Concato, Food and Drug Administration
8:55 AM
Counterfactual Controls for HIV Prevention Trials
Deborah Donnell, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Fei Gao, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
9:15 AM
Combining Randomized Clinical Trials and Observational Studies: An Anchored Transfer Learning Approach
Ting Ye, University of Washington
9:35 AM
Improving the Power of Randomized Trials with Auxiliary Data in Education Research
Johann A Gagnon-Bartsch, University of Michigan; Adam Sales, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
9:55 AM
Prognostic Covariate Adjustment: A Novel Method to Reduce Trial Sample Sizes While Controlling Type I Error
David Walsh, Unlearn.AI; David Miller, Unlearn.AI; Diana Hall, Unlearn.AI; Jon Walsh, Unlearn.AI; Charles Fisher, Unlearn.AI; Alejandro Schuler, Unlearn.AI
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion
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