Activity Number:
- Geostatistical Computing on Modern Parallel Architectures
Topic Contributed
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Section on Statistical Computing
Abstract #323343
Distributed Inference for a Spatial Bayesian Network with Application to Natural Hazard Risk Assessment
Christopher Krapu* and Nolan Hayes and Robert Stewart and Amy Rose and Alexandre Sorokine and Kuldeep Kurte
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Distributed inference;
Spatial statistics;
Bayesian networks
Major challenges for modeling opportunistically sampled real-world data are a high degree of missingness, strong sampling bias, as well as inherent spatial autocorrelation. To address these issues, we propose a novel graphical model for a spatial Bayesian network which combines a dimension-reduced latent Gaussian spatial field with parameters enforcing a DAG-derived cross-variable covariance structure which is amenable to usage of prior information derived from expert elicitation. To perform inference using large datasets with frequent missing data, we implement a distributed Gibbs sampling scheme composed of alternating steps of data augmentation and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in PyMC3. We present a case study on modeling the properties of buildings for natural hazard risk assessment in Washington, D.C.
Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.