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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 536 - Advanced Bayesian Methods for Modern Clinical Trials
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Thursday, August 11, 2022 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Abstract #320639
Title: The Use of External Control Data for Predictions and Futility Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials
Author(s): Lorenzo Trippa*
Companies: DFCI
Keywords: RCTs; RWD

External control data from completed clinical trials and electronic health records can be valuable for the design and analysis of future clinical trials. We discuss the use of external control data for early stopping decisions in randomized clinical trials (RCTs). We specify interim analyses (IAs) approaches for RCTs, which allow investigators to integrate external data into early futility stopping decisions. IAs utilize predictions based on early data from the RCT, possibly combined with external data. These predictions at IAs express the probability that the trial will generate significant evidence of positive treatment effects. The trial is discontinued if this predictive probability becomes smaller than a pre-specified threshold. We quantify efficiency gains and risks associated with the integration of external data into interim decisions. We then analyze a collection of glioblastoma (GBM) datasets, to investigate if the balance of efficiency gains and risks justify the integration of external data into the IAs of future GBM RCTs. Our analyses illustrate the importance of accounting for potential differences between the distributions of prognostic variables in the RCT and in

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