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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 316 - Advances in Astrostatistics in the Great White North
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: SSC (Statistical Society of Canada)
Abstract #320588
Title: Mapping the Milky Way in 5-D with Big Data
Author(s): Joshua Shen Speagle*
Companies: University of Toronto
Keywords: stars; sky surveys; big data; astrostatistics; Bayesian inference; Milky Way

While we can directly observe what other galaxies look like, we still have only a rough picture of what our own Milky Way Galaxy looks like for one simple reason: we are currently embedded within it! I will discuss why it’s so difficult to piece together what our own Galaxy looks like, talk about how modern surveys of stellar light are revolutionizing the field by opening up new pathways to tackle these problems, and describe some of the ways my collaborators and I are taking advantage of statistical methods and computing to use these data to map out the Milky Way both near and far.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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