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Thu, 8/6/2020,
3:00 PM -
4:50 PM
Statistical Methods for State Health Policy Evaluation — Invited Papers
Health Policy Statistics Section, Mental Health Statistics Section, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Organizer(s): Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Chair(s): Elizabeth Stuart, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
3:05 PM
Evaluating Methods to Estimate the Effect of State Laws on Opioid-Related Outcomes in the Presence of Selection Bias
Beth Ann Griffin, RAND
3:30 PM
Partial Identification in Difference-In-Difference Designs When the Parallel Trends Assumption Fails
Raiden Hasegawa, Google; Dylan Small, University of Pennsylvania; Luke Keele, University of Pennsylvania; Daniel Webster, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
3:55 PM
Synthetic Controls and Weighted Event Studies with Staggered Adoption
Avi Feller, UC Berkeley; Eli Ben-Michael, UC Berkeley; Jesse Rothstein, UC Berkeley
3:20 PM
Discussant: Laura Hatfield, Harvard Medical School
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion