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Thu, 8/6/2020,
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Spatial Modeling on the Sphere and Over Large Domains — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Matthew Miller, North Carolina State University
Modeling a Tangential Vector Random Field on a Sphere: Application to Earth’s Magnetic Field
Amy Kim, University of California, Davis; Debashis Paul, University of California, Davis; Thomas Lee, University of California, Davis; Tomoko Matsuo, University of Colorado, Boulder
A Bayesian Gaussian spatial-scale mixture model for short-range extremal dependence and long-range extremal independence, with application to heavy rainfall in Bangladesh
Arnab Hazra, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Raphael Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); David Bolin, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
The Trend in New England Weather
Andrew Disher, Bridgewater State University; Wanchunzi Yu, Bridgewater State University
Test for Isotropy on a Sphere Using Spherical Harmonic Coefficients
Indranil Sahoo, Virginia Commonwealth University; Joseph Guinness, Cornell University; Brian Reich, North Carolina State University
Bayesian Modeling and Preferential Sampling Techniques for Quantifying Ocean Heat Content from Argo Data
Samuel Baugh, University of California-Los Angeles
Analysis of Temperature Variability Across the US from 1960-2019
Ronald Tracy, Oakland Univ