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Tue, 8/4/2020,
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Session on Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Learning — Contributed Papers
Biometrics Section
Chair(s): Peng Jin, New York University
Semi-Supervised Learning of Dense High-Dimensional Parameter Through Predictive Surrogates
Jue Hou, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Zijian Guo, Rutgers The State University of NJ; Tianxi Cai, Harvard University
Modeling Trajectory of Thalamic Atrophy from Brain MRI Scans of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Mixed Spline
Steven Cen, University of Southern California; Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Medical University of South Carolina; Daniel Pelletier, University of Southern California; Christina Azevedo, University of Southern California; Amirhossein Jaberzadeh, University of Southern California
Biclustering via Feature Weighted Clustering
Erika Helgeson, University of Minnesota
Identifying Transgenerational Patterns of Correlated Methylation Sites
Xichen Mou, University of Memphis; Hongmei Zhang, University of Memphis; Wilfried Karmaus, University of Memphis; Hasan Arshad, University of Southampton; John Holloway, University of Southampton
Conditional Functional Clustering for Longitudinal Data with Heterogeneous Nonlinear Patterns
Tianhao Wang, Rush University Medical Center; Lei Yu, Rush University Medical Center
Greedy Trend Test for Detecting Monotonic Patterns from a Composite Null with Applications in Biomedical Studies
Chenxiao Hu, Oregon State University; Duo Jiang, Oregon State University