Adherence and Reliability of Mobile Health App-Based Surveys in the Electronic Framingham Heart Study Chathurangi H Pathiravasan, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Boston University; Yuankai Zhang, Boston University School of Public Health; Ludovic Trinquart, Boston University School of Public Health; David McManus, University of Massachusetts; Emelia J. Benjamin, Department of Medicine, and Department of Epidemiology, Boston University ; Belinda Borrelli, Department of Health Policy & Health Services Research, Boston University; Honghuang Lin, Section of Computational Biomedicine, Department of Medicine, Boston University ; Amy Dunn, School of Medicine, Framingham Heart Study; Eric Schramm, CareEvolution; Chunyu Liu, Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston; Joanne M. Murabito, Section of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Boston University