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19 * Mon, 8/3/2020, 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM Virtual
Bayesian Methods for Sports Data — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Sports, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Organizer(s): Garritt L Page, BYU
Chair(s): Garritt L Page, BYU
10:05 AM RUSH: An Evolutionary Approach to Ranking College Football Teams
Shane Reese, Brigham Young University
10:30 AM Bayesian Inferences on Uncertain Ranks and Orderings
Andres Barrientos, Florida State University
10:55 AM Bayesian Prediction of Performance in Professional Athletes
Gilbert Fellingham, Dept of Statistics, Brigham Young University; Richard Warr, BYU; Garritt L Page, BYU
11:20 AM Bayesian Multi-Task Gaussian Process Models for NBA Production Curves
Alexander Franks, UC Santa Barbara
11:45 AM Floor Discussion