109 * !
Mon, 8/3/2020,
1:00 PM -
2:50 PM
Model Uncertainty: Mathematical and Statistical — Invited Papers
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems Interest Group
Organizer(s): James Berger, DUKE UNIVERSITY
Chair(s): James Berger, DUKE UNIVERSITY
1:05 PM
E Bruce Pitman, University at Buffalo
1:30 PM
Bayesian Model Emulation, Calibration and Prediction Applied to Stochastic Simulation
Dave Higdon, Virginia Tech
1:55 PM
Bayesian CUSP Catastrophe Model for Sudden Change
Zhuoqiong He, University of Missouri
2:20 PM
Discussant: Elaine Spiller, Marquette University
2:45 PM
Floor Discussion