439 * !
Thu, 8/6/2020,
10:00 AM -
11:50 AM
Role of External Evidence in Drug Development: Current Practices and Future Perspectives — Topic Contributed Papers
Biopharmaceutical Section, Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, Health Policy Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Satrajit Roychoudhury, Pfizer Inc.
Chair(s): Satrajit Roychoudhury, Pfizer Inc.
10:05 AM
Bayesian Approaches for Using Real-World Evidence for Regulatory Decision Making
Gary L Rosner, Johns Hopkins University; Chenguang Wang, Johns Hopkins University
10:25 AM
Statistical Innovation in Rare Disease Clinical Development
Kannan Natarajan, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Inc.
10:45 AM
Dynamic Borrowing of Historical Data Using the Power Prior: Overview and New Developments
Joost van Rosmalen, Erasmus MC
11:05 AM
Use of External Evidence for Decision Making in Early Phase Trials
Maxine Bennett, AstraZeneca
11:25 AM
Floor Discussion