239 * !
Tue, 8/4/2020,
1:00 PM -
2:50 PM
Synthetic Data and Differential Privacy: Data, Privacy and the Public Good — Invited Papers
Survey Research Methods Section , Korean International Statistical Society, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Hang Kim, University of Cincinnati
Chair(s): Katherine Jenny Thompson, US Census Bureau
1:05 PM
Synthetic Microdata for Establishment Surveys Under Informative Sampling
Hang Kim, University of Cincinnati ; Joerg Drechsler, Institute for Employment Research; Katherine Jenny Thompson, US Census Bureau
1:25 PM
Bayesian Pseudo Posterior Mechanism Under Differential Privacy
Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Matthew Williams, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation ; Jingchen (Monika) Hu, Vassar College
1:45 PM
Differentially Private Data Synthesis: Challenges and Opportunities
Fang Liu, University of Notre Dame
2:05 PM
On the Formally Private Use of Public Historical Data to Control Upward Bias in Small Counts
Philip Leclerc, US Census Bureau
2:25 PM
Discussant: Joerg Drechsler, Institute for Employment Research
2:45 PM
Floor Discussion