260 * !
Tue, 8/4/2020,
1:00 PM -
2:50 PM
Statistics and AI in Music — Topic Contributed Papers
Royal Statistical Society, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, IMS
Organizer(s): Jan Beran, University of Konstanz
Chair(s): Philipp Sibbertsen, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
1:05 PM
Understanding Audio from Music Practice Sessions
Christopher Raphael, Indiana University
1:25 PM
Visualizing Music Information: Classical Composers Networks and Similarities
Patrick Georges, University of Ottawa
1:45 PM
Statistics and AI in Music
Ahmed Elgammal, Artrendex / Rutgers University; Mark Gotham, Universität des Saarlandes / Cornell
2:05 PM
Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies: Applying AI, Machine Learning and Data Science to Music Production and Consumption
Mark Sandler, Queen Mary University of London; Johan Pauwels, Queen Mary University of London; David De Roure, University of Oxford; Kevin Page, University of Oxford
2:25 PM
Discussant: Jan Beran, University of Konstanz
2:45 PM
Floor Discussion