This interactive session will give you a chance to develop new approaches to the stumbling blocks you encounter in your career: being overcommitted, trouble prioritizing tasks, inexperienced colleagues, lack of technical expertise. In the first phase of this interactive panel discussion, participants will rate common barriers in statistical consulting and collaboration. Our panelists will present strategies to overcome the most popular barriers and turn these stumbling blocks into stepping stones for professional success. In the second phase, audience participants will describe their current stumbling blocks. The panelists will suggest ways to transform these stumbling blocks into facilitators of professional success. Members of the audience will also be given the chance to contribute to this conversation by suggesting new strategies to overcome these barriers. The selection of content to be discussed by the panelists will be determined by the session participants, not the session panelists. This is a reverse of the usual process for determining topics to be discussed in a contributed session. We will be operating as statisticians, gathering data to determine the topics to discuss.