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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 204 - Experimental Design
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Abstract #314046
Title: Resampling Methods for FDR Control of A/B/N Tests with Arbitrary Dependencies
Author(s): Michael Rotkowitz*
Companies: Lyft
Keywords: multiple hypothesis testing; multiple comparisons; A/B testing; resampling methods; false discovery rate; bootstrap

Large-scale A/B/n testing often yields a Multiple Hypothesis Testing (MHT) problem with significant dependencies. The dependencies typically cause the best-known methods to be overly conservative, which often results in the multiple testing issues being ignored or being dealt with in ad-hoc ways. The challenges of developing methods for MHT to be used across many different types of groups in a company include being able to handle these arbitrary dependencies in a manner that doesn't require knob-tuning and doesn't introduce excess conservatism, as well as maintaining rejection regions which are easily understood (e.g., p-value thresholds). We discuss methods developed at Lyft to control the False Discovery Rate (FDR) in such a manner. For the case where different subjects can be considered independent (such as user-split tests) we introduce a bootstrap method to estimate the false discoveries. For the case where no such assumption can be made (such as time-split tests), we introduce a permutation method to estimate the false discoveries. The accuracy and robustness of the methods are demonstrated on synthetic data, and if possible, demonstrated on actual rideshare data.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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