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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 355 - Modern Model Selection
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Abstract #312542
Title: Variable Selection with False Discovery Rate Control in Deep Neural Networks
Author(s): Zixuan Song* and Jun Li
Companies: University of Notre Dame and University of Notre Dame
Keywords: Variable selection; FDR control; Deep learning

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are famous for their high prediction accuracy, but they are also known for their black-box nature and poor interpretability. We consider the problem of variable selection, that is, selecting the input variables that have significant predictive power on the output, in DNNs. We propose a backward elimination procedure called SurvNet, which is based on a new measure of variable importance that applies to a wide variety of networks. More importantly, SurvNet is able to estimate and control the false discovery rate of selected variables, while no existing methods provide such a quality control. Further, SurvNet adaptively determines how many variables to eliminate at each step in order to maximize the selection efficiency. To study its validity, SurvNet is applied to image data and gene expression data, as well as various simulation datasets.

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