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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 292 - Nonparametric and High-Dimensional Bayes: Uncertainty Quantification, Computation, and Posterior Contraction
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 11:50 AM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #309569
Title: Convergence Rates of Variational Bayes and Empirical Bayes: A Unified Analysis
Author(s): Chao Gao*
Companies: University of Chicago

We study convergence rates of variational posterior distributions for nonparametric and high-dimensional inference. We formulate general conditions on prior, likelihood, and variational class that characterize the convergence rates. Under similar “prior mass and testing” conditions considered in the literature, the rate is found to be the sum of two terms. The first term stands for the convergence rate of the true posterior distribution, and the second term is contributed by the variational approximation error. For a class of priors that admit the structure of a mixture of product measures, we propose a novel prior mass condition, under which the variational approximation error of the mean-field class is dominated by convergence rate of the true posterior. This variational perspective can also be applied to analyze empirical Bayes posteriors. In fact, by a close relation between VB and EB, similar prior mass and testing conditions can be formulated to derive convergence rates of EB as well.

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