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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 141 - Minimax Theory for High-Dimensional Models
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 11:50 AM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #309299
Title: Dualizing Le Cam's Method, with Applications to Estimating the Unseens
Author(s): Yihong Wu* and Yury Polyanskiy
Companies: Yale University and MIT
Keywords: minimax rates; convex optimization; minimax lower bound; species problem

We consider a general question of estimating linear functionals of a distribution based on noisy samples. Extending prior results of Donoho-Liu and Juditsky-Nemirovski, we show that by taking the dual optimization problem, the (two-point) LeCam lower bound is in fact achievable by optimizing the bias-variance tradeoff of an empirical-mean type of estimator.

We extend the method to separable functionals of high-dimensional parametric models and apply it to obtain sharp rates of a number of problems in the area of "estimating the unseens". In particular, coupled with tools from complex analysis, this method resolves the optimal rate for Fisher's species problem: given $n$ independent samples drawn from an unknown distribution, the optimal normalized prediction error of the number of unseen symbols in the next (unobserved) $r n$ samples is shown to be within logarithmic factors of $n^{-min\{1/(r+1),1/2\}}$, exhibiting a phase transition from parametric to nonparametric rate at $r=1$. Furthermore, the optimal estimator can be found by solving a linear program of size that is polynomial in $n$.

This is joint work with Yury Polyanskiy (MIT).

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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