This talk presents an optimization-based framework for causal mediation analysis of multiple time series. This framework is motivated by a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment where we are interested in estimating the mediation effects between a randomized stimulus time series and brain activity time series from two brain regions. The independent observation assumption is thus unrealistic for this type of time series data. To address this challenge, our framework integrates two types of models: causal mediation analysis across the mediation variables, and vector autoregressive (VAR) models across the temporal observations. We further extend this framework to handle multilevel data, in order to model individual variability and correlated errors between the mediator and the outcome variables. Using Rubin's potential outcome framework, we show that the causal mediation effect are identiable under our time series model. We further develop computationally efficient algorithms to maximize our likelihood-based estimation criteria. Simulation studies show that our method reduces the estimation bias and improves statistical power, compared with existing approaches.