Mon, 7/29/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall C
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistics and the Environment — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Wendy Meiring, University of California At Santa Barbara
The Nexus of Climate Data, Insurance, and Adaptive Capacity
Robert Erhardt, Wake Forest University
Applying Design of Experiments to Numerical Weather Prediction
Jeffrey Smith, U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Judah L. Cleveland, US Army Research Laboratory; John W. Raby, US Army Research Laboratory; Richard S. Penc, US Army Research Laboratory
Estimation and Selection for Spatial Regression When Fixed Effects and Random Effects Are Correlated
Chun-Shu Chen, National Changhua University of Education; Hong-Ding Yang, National Changhua University of Education; Yung-Huei Chiou, National Changhua University of Education
Bayesian Covariance Estimation for Large Spatial Data
Brian Kidd, Texas A&M University; Matthias Katzfuss, Texas A & M University
An Adapted VAR-EM (AVAR-EM) Imputation Algorithm to Populate a Broken Historical Climate Record
Benjamin Washington, The University of Georgia; Lynne Seymour, University of Georgia
Some Results on Use-Availability Models for Presence-Only Data from Multiple Species
Nels Johnson, US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Forecast Rainfall from Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
Stephen Walsh, Virginia Tech; Marco Ferreira, Virginia Tech; Stephanie Zick, Virginia Tech
Measuring Increases in Fire Weather Severity and Its Risk to Human Populations
Geoffrey Peterson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
A Penalized H-Likelihood Method for Gaussian Spatial Additive Model on Regular Lattice
Hao Sun, Iowa State University; Somak Dutta, Iowa State University
Diversity of Forest Structure Across the United States
J. Gilbert, Purdue University; S. Fei, Purdue University; J. Knott, Purdue University; E. LaRue, Purdue University; K. Potter, North Carolina State University
Modeling Air Pollution in Beijing with Meteorological Data
Ying Zhang, Pennsylvania State University; Song Xi Chen, Peking University; Le Bao, Pennsylvania State University
Tail Dependence of Normal Mean-Variance Mixtures
Zhongwei Zhang; Raphaël Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Modeling Spatial Extremes with Max-Infinitely Divisible Models
Peng Zhong, KAUST; Raphaël Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Mixed-Effect Model Using Shape-Constrained Regression Splines, with Application to Tree Height Estimation
Xiyue Liao, University of California, Santa Barbara; Mary C Meyer , Colorado State University
Modeling How Beach Characteristics, Predation, and Bird’s Tolerance of Humans Affect Piping Plovers (Charadrius Melodus)
Samantha Smock, Purdue University; Alex Cohen, Purdue University; Patrick Zollner, Purdue University
Models and Inference for Spatial Extremes Based on Tree-Based Multivariate Pareto Distributions
Daniela Cisneros; Raphaël Huser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Split and Combine SIMEX Algorithm to Correct Geocoding Coarsening of Built Environment Exposures
Jung Yeon Won; Brisa Sánchez, Drexel University
Exploratory Analysis of Hurricane Storm Surge
Qiuyi Wu; Whitney Huang, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
Extending Nearest-Neighbor GPs for Non-Gridded Data Imputation
Christopher Grubb, Virginia Tech; Shyam Ranganathan, Virginia Tech
Scalable Smoother to Improve Particle Filtering of Spatially-Extended Data
Gregor Robinson, University of Colorado Boulder; Ian Grooms, University of Colorado Boulder; William Kleiber, University of Colorado
Computational Advances for the Product-Sum Spatio-Temporal Model
Michael Dumelle; Jay Ver Hoef, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Claudio Fuentes, Oregon State University; Alix Gitelman, Oregon State University
Covariate-Driven Non-Stationary Models in Stan with Application to Water Quality in North American Lakes
Pavel Chernyavskiy, University of Wyoming; Marie-Agnes Tellier, University of Wyoming; Sarah M Collins, University of Wyoming
Statistical Analysis on Trichloroethylene Degradation in a Bioreactor via a Response Surface Modeling Approach
Feng Yu, RTI International; Breda Munoz, RTI International
A Latent Discrete Markov Field Approach for Identifying and Classifying Historical Forest Communities Based on Spatial Multivariate Tree Species Counts
Stephen Berg; Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Murray Clayton, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Monika Shea, University of Wisconsin-Madison; David Mladenoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Comparison of small prairie mammals' dietary intake using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data
Yilin Song, St. Olaf College; Lisa Fisher, St. Olaf College; Liz Wilson, St. Olaf College; Julie Legler, St. Olaf College; Diane Angel, St. Olaf College
Random Forest Models for the Probable Biological Condition of Streams and Rivers in the USA
Eric Fox, Cal State East Bay, Department of Statistics