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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

10 * ! Sun, 7/28/2019, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-505
Challenges and Breakthroughs in Analyzing Big Survey Data — Invited Papers
Government Statistics Section, Survey Research Methods Section, Section on Statistics in Marketing
Organizer(s): Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota
Chair(s): Eric Slud, University of Maryland
2:05 PM Bayesian Disaggregation of Spatio-Temporal Community Indicators Estimated via Surveys: An Application to the American Community Survey
Veronica J. Berrocal, University of Michigan
2:30 PM A Model-Based Approach to Predict Employee Compensation Components

Andreea Erciulescu, Westat; Jean Opsomer, Westat
2:55 PM Relationship Mining in Big Data from Surveys Using Penalization and the Bag-Of-Little-Bootstraps
Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota; Benjamin E. Bagozzi, University of Delaware; Ujjal Kumar Mukherjee, University of Illinois; Xuetong Sun, University of Minnesota
3:20 PM Regression Composite Estimation for Current Population Survey

Yang Cheng, US Census Bureau; Daniel Bonnery, University of Maryland and Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center ; Partha Lahiri, University of Maryland, College Park; Timothy Trudell
3:45 PM Floor Discussion