149 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Government Cybersecurity Research: Statistical Challenges and Opportunities — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Government Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Justin Newcomer, Sandia National Laboratories
Chair(s): Lyndsay Shand, Sandia National Laboratories
10:35 AM
A Broad Overview of AI/ML and Cybersecurity
Adam Cardinal-Stakenas, National Security Agency
11:00 AM
Latent Feature Models for Network Link Prediction with Labelled Nodes
Melissa Turcotte, Los Alamos National Laboratory
11:25 AM
Analyzing Cyber Networks Using Spectral Embedding and a Kernel-Based Procrustes Algorithm
David Marchette, NSWCDD
11:50 AM
Dynamic Model Updating for Streaming Classification and Clustering
Alexander Foss, Sandia National Laboratories
12:15 PM
Floor Discussion