592 * !
Thu, 8/1/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Evaluating Impact in Networks: Causal Inference with Interference — Invited Papers
Biometrics Section, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, ENAR
Organizer(s): Michael Hudgens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chair(s): Michael Hudgens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
8:35 AM
Individualistic Effects in Randomized Trials Under Contagion
Olga Morozova, Yale School of Public Health; Daniel Eck, Yale School of Public Health; Forrest W Crawford, Yale School of Public Health
8:55 AM
Matching Methods for Networked Causal Inference
Alexander Volfovsky, Duke University
9:15 AM
Causal Inference with Misspecified Exposure Mappings
Fredrik Sävje, Yale University
9:35 AM
Auto-G-Computation of Causal Effects on a Network
Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen, University of Pennsylvania
9:55 AM
Discussant: Dean Eckles, MIT
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion