629 * !
Thu, 8/1/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
The Impacts of Measurement Error in Scientific Discoveries — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Biometrics Section, Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Organizer(s): Xiangrong Kong, Johns Hopkins University
Chair(s): Kellie Archer, Ohio State University
10:35 AM
Covariate Measurement Error Models, Past Developments and Modern Advancements
Jeffrey S Buzas, University of Vermont
10:50 AM
Weighted Causal Inference Methods with Misclassified Outcomes
Grace Yi, University of Waterloo
11:05 AM
Bayesian Adjustment for Measurement Error: Bridging the Gap Between Concepts and Scientific Impact
Paul Gustafson, University of British Columbia
11:20 AM
Measurement Error Correction for Change in Nutrient Intake
Bernard Rosner, Channing Division of Network Medicine, Harvard Medical School
11:35 AM
The Centrality of Measurement Error Modeling to Advances in Nutritional Epidemiology
Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, University of Waterloo
11:50 AM
Discussant: Leonard Stefanski, NCSU
12:05 PM
Floor Discussion