Wed, 7/31/2019,
11:35 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-Hall C
SPEED: Statistical Computing: Methods, Implementation, and Application, Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistical Computing , Section for Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Chair(s): Michael Weylandt, Rice University
Oral Presentations
for this session.
Sure Independence Screening (SIS) for Multiple Functional Regression Model
Yuan Yuan, Auburn University ; Nedret Billor, Auburn University
Creation of Two R Shiny Applications to Illustrate and Accompany the growClusters Package
Randall Powers, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Wendy L Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Generalized Causal Mediation and Path Analysis and Its R Package “gmediation”
Jang Ik Cho, Eli Lilly and Company ; Jeffrey M Albert, Case Western Reserve University
Spatial DNA: Measuring Similarity of Geolocation Data Sets with Applications to Forensics
Christopher Galbraith, University of California, Irvine ; Padhraic Smyth, University of California, Irvine
Sampling Using Langevin Diffusion
Riddhiman Bhattacharya, University of Minnesota
Rapid Numerical Approximation of Spatial Covariance Functions Over Irregular Data Regions
Peter Simonson, Colorado School of Mines ; Doug Nychka, Colorado School of Mines; Soutir Bandyopadhyay, Colorado School of Mines
Predicting Lattice Reduction on Ideal Lattices (PeRIL)
Bryan Ek, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic ; Bryan Williams, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic; Emily Nystrom, Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic; Jamie Lyle, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic; Peter Curry, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic; Scott Batson, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic
Exact Inference for Analyzing Contingency Tables in Finite Populations
Shiva Dibaj, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center ; Gregory Wilding, SUNY at Buffalo; Graham Warren, University of Kentucky
A Simple Recipe for Making Accurate Parametric Inference in Finite Sample
Mucyo Karemera, Penn State University ; Stephane Guerrier, University of Geneva; Samuel Orso, University of Geneva; Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser, University of Geneva
The Variance of the Interaction Term as Goal for Estimation
Iman Jaljuli, Tel-Aviv University ; Yoav Benjamini, Tel Aviv University
A New Approach in Distribution Fitting for Grouped Data and Its Application in Measuring Income Distribution
Ying-Ju Chen, University of Dayton ; Tatjana Miljkovic, Miami University
Spatial Location-Based Trajectory Modeling: Predicting the Success of an Crowdfunding Campaign
Han Yu, University of Northern Colorado
Embarrassingly Parallel Inference for Gaussian Processes
Michael Minyi Zhang, Princeton University ; Sinead Williamson, UT Austin
Tensor Variate Models Applied to Sensor Data
Peter Tait, McMaster University ; Paul D McNicholas, McMaster University
Using Information Criteria to Select Among Polynomial and “truly” Nonlinear Multilevel Models
Wendy Christensen, University of California, Los Angeles ; Jennifer Krull, University of California, Los Angeles
Clustering Smoothed Dissimilarities in Tertiary Data: a Shrinkage-Based Approach
Bridget Manning, University of South Carolina ; David Hitchcock, University of South Carolina
Incorporating Spatial Statistics into Routine Analysis of Agricultural Field Trials
Julia Piaskowski, University of Idaho ; Chad Jackson, University of Idaho; Juliet Marshall, University of Idaho; William J Price, University of Idaho
Bootstrap in the Linear Model: a Comprehensive R Package
Megan Heyman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tidi_MIBI: a Tidy Pipeline for Microbiome Analysis and Visualization in R
Charlie Carpenter, University of Colorado-Biostatistics