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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
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Activity Details

CE_37T Wed, 7/31/2019, 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM CC-405
Multivariate Analysis, Saddle Point Approximation and Other New Exact Tests (ADDED FEE) — Professional Development Computer Technology Workshop
ASA, Cytel Inc.
Stratified binomials are traditionally analyzed using odds ratio. The Barnard’s Test, an exact unconditional test is considered more powerful than exact conditional test. StatXact provides unconditional tests of CI on Difference of Proportions and CI on Ratio of Proportions for stratified data using the combined confidence distribution method. Scientific research data often presents more than one endpoint of interest. Typically, the primary family of endpoints defines the overall outcome of the experiment. The secondary families of endpoints play a supportive role and provide additional information. Gatekeeping procedures address multiplicity problems by explicitly taking into account the hierarchical structure of the multiple objectives. StatXact provides an exact method to analyze multiple endpoint data arising from two samples with small or sparse data. StatXact also presents a non-parametric combination method for single family data. In Logistic regression, Exact methods provide conditional inference. When Exact method becomes infeasible; Saddle Point approximation using profile likelihood is another candidate for conditional inference. It is less complex and gives inference close to exact conditional inference. It will be discussed using LogXact software.
Instructor(s): Ashwini Joshi, Cytel