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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
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Activity Details

CE_35T Wed, 7/31/2019, 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM CC-406
Bayesian Multilevel Modeling Using Stata (ADDED FEE) — Professional Development Computer Technology Workshop
ASA, Stata
This workshop will cover Bayesian multilevel modeling and how to fit such models using Stata. In multilevel or hierarchical data, which include longitudinal and repeated-measures data, observations belong to different groups. Groups may represent different levels of hierarchy such as hospitals, doctors nested within hospitals, and patients nested within doctors nested within hospitals. Multilevel models incorporate group-specific effects in the regression model and assume that they vary randomly across groups according to some a priori distribution, commonly a normal distribution. This assumption makes multilevel models natural candidates for Bayesian analysis. Bayesian multilevel models additionally assume that other model parameters such as regression coefficients and variance components--variances of group-specific effects--are also random. This workshop will provide a brief overview of Bayesian analysis and of classical multilevel models and will concentrate on multilevel modeling from the Bayesian perspective. It will demonstrate the use of Bayesian multilevel models in various applications and how to fit them using Stata. Basic familiarity with Bayesian analysis and classical multilevel models and how to use them in Stata will prove useful.
Instructor(s): Yulia Marchenko, Stata