CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
663 *
Thu, 8/1/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Regression, Clustering and Gene Set Methods in Genomics — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics
Chair(s): Xuefeng Wang, MOFFITT Cancer Center
10:35 AM
Robust Inference Based on High-Dimensional Multiple Regressions with Application to Biomarker Screening
Youngseok Song, Colorado State University ; Wen Zhou, Colorado State University; Wenxin Zhou, University of California, San Diego; Kim Hoke, Colorado State University
10:50 AM
Moment-Based Estimation of Mixtures of Regression Models and Their Application in Genetic Studies
Claus Ekstrom, Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen
11:05 AM
Advances in the Hard Clustering of Categorical Data
Karin Dorman, Iowa State University
11:20 AM
FSCseq: Simultaneous Feature Selection and Clustering of RNA-Seq Data
David Lim, UNC Chapel Hill ; Naim U. Rashid, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Joseph G Ibrahim, UNC
11:35 AM
Covariance Thresholding to Detect Differentially Co-Expressed Gene Sets
Hokeun Sun, Pusan National University ; Mingyu Oh, Pusan National University; Kipoong Kim, Pusan National University
11:50 AM
Incorporating Prior Information into Signal-Detection Analyzes Across Biologically Informed Gene-Sets
Mengqi Zhang, Duke University ; Sahar Gelfman, Institute of Genomic Medicine,Columbia University; Janice McCarthy, Duke University; David B Goldstein, Institute of Genomic Medicine, Columbia University; Andrew S Allen, Duke University
12:05 PM
Integrating Pathway Information with Boosting to Construct a Sufficient Gene Set for Phenotype Classification
Nusrat Jahan, James Madison University ; Huining Kang, University of New Mexico; Li Luo, University of New Mexico