CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
Mon, 7/29/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
New Advances in the Analysis of Competing Risks Data and Interval Censored Data and Related Topics — Contributed Papers
Lifetime Data Science Section
Chair(s): Scott Alan Bruce, George Mason University
2:05 PM
A Fast and Scalable Sparse Regression Method for Competing Risks Data
Eric Kawaguchi, UCLA Department of Biostatistics; Marc Suchard, UCLA; Gang Li, UCLA; Jenny I. Shen, University of California, Los Angeles
2:20 PM
Cross-Sectional Length-Biased Semi-Competing Risks Data
Alexander C McLain, University of South Carolina; Jiajia Zhang, University of South Carolina; Marie Thoma, University of Maryland
2:35 PM
Instrumental Variable Estimation of Exposure Effects for Competing Risks Data Using a Semiparametric Mixture Component Model
Sai Dharmarajan, Food and Drug Administration; Douglas Schaubel, University of Michigan
2:50 PM
Propensity Score Matching with Missing Causes of Failure: a Monte Carlo Study
Seungbong Han, Gachon University
3:05 PM
An Ensemble Method for Interval-Censored Time-To-Event Data
W. Yao, Stern, New York University; H. Frydman, New York University; Jeffrey S. Simonoff, New York University
3:20 PM
Semiparametric Transformation Models for Left-Truncated and Interval-Censored Data Without or with a Cure Fraction
Chyong-Mei Chen
3:35 PM
Floor Discussion