CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
Tue, 7/30/2019,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Random Effects and Mixed Models — Contributed Papers
Biometrics Section
Chair(s): Richard Kryscio, Univ of Kentucky
10:35 AM
An Algorithmic Construction of All Unbiased Estimators of Variance Components in Linear Mixed Effects Models
Luyao Peng, Univ. of California, Riverside ; Subir Ghosh, University of California, Riverside
10:50 AM
Ensemble Learning Integrated with Cancer Survivor Intervention Trials
Anjishnu Banerjee ; Melinda Stolley, Medical College of Wisconsin; Avik Chakrabarti, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee; Alexis Visotcky, Medical College of Wisconsin
11:05 AM
A Stepped Wedge Design in Practice: Lessons Learned from the DECIDE-LVAD Trial
Diane Fairclough, Colorado School of Public Health ; Erin Leister Chaussee, Colorado School of Public Health; Larry Allen, University of Colorado Denver, School of Medicine
11:20 AM
Construction of the Design Matrix for Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models in the Context of Clinical Trials of Treatment Sequences
Francisco Diaz, The University of Kansas Medical Center
11:35 AM
A Bayesian Joint Model for Longitudinal Frequency and Duration Outcomes in a Migraine Study
Gul Inan, Istanbul Technical University
11:50 AM
Modeling Time?Varying Effects of Multilevel Risk Factors of Hospitalizations in Patients on Dialysis
Yihao Li, UCLA ; Danh V Nguyen, University of California At Irvine; Yanjun Chen, UC Irvine; Connie M Rhee, UC Irvine; Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, UC Irvine; Damla Senturk, UCLA
12:05 PM
Fast Two-Stage Estimator for Clustered Count Data with Overdispersion
Alvaro Flórez, Universiteit Hasselt ; Geert Molenberghs, Universiteit Hasselt & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Geert Verbeke, Catholic University of Leuven; Michael Kenward, Ashkirk, United Kingdom; Pavlos Mamouris, KU Leuven; Bert Vaes, KU Leuven