CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
292 * !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Providing Access to Useful Data While Preserving Confidentiality — Topic Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, Stats. Partnerships Among Academe Indust. & Govt. Committee
Organizer(s): Daniell Toth, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair(s): Daniell Toth, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
8:35 AM
Statistical Disclosure Issues Involving Digital Images of ROC Curves
Ofer Harel, Dept of Statistics, U of Connecticut; Gregory Matthews
8:55 AM
Pseudonymisation to Anonymisation: Addressing the GDPR in Survey Microdata
Jane Li, Westat; Tom Krenzke, Westat; Lin Li, Westat
9:15 AM
Bayesian Pseudo Posterior Synthesis for Data Privacy Protection
Jingchen Hu, Vassar College; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Matthew Williams, National Science Foundation
9:35 AM
PMSE Mechanism: Differentially Private Synthetic Data with Maximal Distributional Similarity
Joshua Snoke, RAND Corporation; Aleksandra Slavkovic, Penn State University
9:55 AM
Floor Discussion