CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
455 !
Wed, 7/31/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Recent Advances in Bayesian Computation: Theory and Methods — Topic Contributed Papers
IMS, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Organizer(s): Vivekananda Roy, Iowa State University
Chair(s): Aixin Tan, University of Iowa
8:35 AM
Convergence Complexity Analysis of MCMC Algorithms
James Hobert
8:55 AM
Weighted Batch Means Estimators in Markov Chain Monte Carlo
James Flegal, University of California, Riverside
9:15 AM
Convergence Complexity of Gibbs Samplers for Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Processes
Galin Jones, University of Minnesota; Karl Oskar Ekvall, University of Minnesota
9:35 AM
Recent Advances in Bayesian Computation: Theory and Methods
Murali Haran, Penn State University; Jaewoo Park, Penn State University
9:55 AM
Bayesian Registration of Functions with a Gaussian Process Prior
Radu Herbei, Ohio State University; Yi Lu, Drew University; Sebastian Kurtek, The Ohio State University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion