CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
222 * !
Mon, 7/29/2019,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Statistical Challenges with Astronomical Data — Invited Papers
National Institute of Statistical Sciences, General Methodology, Astrostatistics Special Interest Group
Organizer(s): James L Rosenberger, NISS (National Institute of Statistical Sciences) and Penn State
Chair(s): Lingzhou Xue, Penn State University and National Institute of Statistical Sciences
2:05 PM
Time Delay Cosmography Towards the Hubble Constant
Hyungsuk Tak, University of Notre Dame; Simon Birrer?, University of California, Los Angeles
2:30 PM
Generating Realistic Galaxy Images
Chad M Schafer, Carnegie Mellon University; Benjamin LeRoy, Carnegie Mellon University
2:55 PM
Detecting New Signals Under Background Mismodelling
Sara Algeri, University of Minnesota
3:20 PM
Statistical Challenges of Pulsar Timing
G. Jogesh Babu, Penn State University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion