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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

151 * ! Mon, 7/29/2019, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-505
Beyond the VAR: Advances in Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Climate and Environmental Data — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment, Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, National Research Center for Statistics for the Environment
Organizer(s): Laura L Tupper, Williams College
Chair(s): Hannah Director, University of Washington
10:35 AM Spatial Extreme Value Analysis

Eric Gilleland, National Center for Atmospheric Research
11:00 AM Modeling Spatio-Temporal Clustering Behavior for Climate Data
Laura L Tupper, Williams College
11:25 AM Hybrid Statistical/Machine Learning Deep Dynamical Spatio-Temporal Models for Evaluating Climate Impacts

Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri
11:45 AM Understanding Urban Pollution Through Spatial-Temporal Modeling

Katherine Ensor, Rice University; Julia Schedler, Rice University
12:15 PM Floor Discussion