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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 354 - SPEED: Big Data, Small Area Estimation, and Methodological Innovations Under Development, Part 2
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #307742
Title: Applications of R Shiny to Evaluate and Improve Total Survey Quality
Author(s): Xiaodan Lyu and Heike Hofmann and Emily Berg and Jie Li and Xin Zhang*
Companies: Iowa State University and Iowa State University and Iowa State University and Iowa State University and Iowa State University
Keywords: R Shiny; survey quality; National Resource Inventory; Cropland Data Layer; Soil Survey

Maintaining and assessing total survey quality on a large scale and complex survey such as the National Resource Inventory (NRI) often involves iterative human interaction. Tools such as R Shiny that allow graphical display and user interaction turn out to be practical and useful. This paper introduces two web-based applications we developed, viscover and iNtr. viscover is an interactive tool based on Shiny and Leaflet to visualize soil survey data, cropland data layer and their overlay. It helps to verify the accuracy of an overlay operation needed to define the covariates for an unit-level small area model. viscover can be easily adapted to visualize other official statistics and facilitate cross-reference of geospatial data from different sources. iNtr is an interactive NRI table review tool that has been helping 2015 NRI make exhaustive comparisons among different estimation runs.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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